Sentence of the Extraordinary State Court of Rubiera about the culprits of Lese Majesty and association to the outlaw factions
Modena, Camerale Printing House, 1822
Sentenza del Tribunale Statario Straordinario residente in Rubiera per giudicare i rei di Lesa Maestà e di associazione alle sette proscritte

On February 26, 1822, Don Andreoli was arrested with the accuse of conspiracy and “lese majesty”. The trial was held in the stronghold of Rubiera. Andreoli was convicted to the death warrant which had to be a warning to all those who dared to take position against Francesco IV’s tyranny. Francesco IV refused to pardon Don Andreoli because “…he had been a seducer of the youth, more guilty for being a Teacher and a Priest who had lured them to the Carboneria Society”. On October 13, 1822 Don Andreoli died on the gallows, he was only 33 years old.


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