Di cosa hai paura?

Di cosa hai paura? Con-tatto di parole, immagini, suoni è uno dei progetti selezionati da ECCOM attraverso la call di DRIS – Co-creating Intercultural Societies: a Focus on Racism and Discrimination finalizzata a individuare progetti pilota capaci di valorizzare le relazioni con il patrimonio culturale e storico delle città e di affrontare il superamento degli stereotipi attraverso la co-creazione di narrazioni plurali. I progetti vincitori prevedono il coinvolgimento delle comunità territoriali e la costituzione di gruppi di co-progettazione interdisciplinari come punti di partenza per la facilitazione della diversità culturale e l’inclusione sociale.

Di cosa hai paura? intende favorire la partecipazione culturale attiva e condivisa dei cittadini, stimolando una maggiore coesione sociale, attraverso lo sviluppo del museo come luogo di incontro e di scambio tra cittadini portatori di culture diverse. Il progetto intende facilitare la costituzione di un gruppo stabile per la co-progettazione di parte dell’offerta museale, in chiave interculturale e proattiva. Attraverso la sperimentazione di una nuova modalità di co-progettazione che permette alla comunità comprensiva delle minoranze di origine migrante di collaborare con i Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia, verranno ideati progetti interculturali e prodotti artistici che veicolino messaggi di coesione, favoriscano il superamento degli stereotipi e lo scambio reciproco.

Il progetto è promosso dal Servizio Patrimonio culturale della Regione Emilia Romagna e coinvolge l’artista visiva Alice Padovani, affiancata dal videomaker Ali Beidoun e dalla band musicale Le Piccole Morti.

Di cosa hai paura è un progetto di Comune di Reggio Emilia / Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia | Fondazione Mondinsieme | Abreer-Associazione dei Burkinabè di Reggio Emilia | Coro Interculturale di Reggio Emilia APS | AGE–Associazione Giovani Europei | Associazione dei volontari ucraini in Italia – АВУІ | Associazione Maliana Badegna | Diaspora Ivoirienne d’Emilia-Romagna  | Museo Gemma – Unimore | Casa delle Culture di Modena | Accademia Valdarnese del Poggio | Associazione TEFA Colombia ODV di Modena | Silvia Rossi.

Calendario degli eventi:

Palazzo dei Musei, via Spallanzani, 1

domenica 24 aprile, ore 16.00-19.00
happening | Di cosa hai paura ? Con-tatto di parole, immagini, suoni
con Alice Padovani

sabato 14 maggio
Notte Europea dei Musei 2022 | The Power of Museums

ore 21.00
opening | Eclissi. Tre movimenti al nero di Alice Padovani

ore 22.00
live | Le Piccole Morti feat. Nicola Manzan

sabato 21 maggio, ore 16.00
Giornata Mondiale della Diversità Culturale 2022
live cinema | Extraneous di Ali Beidoun

ALICE PADOVANI – Through different techniques, materials and expressive languages, Alice Padovani’s research originates from the archetypes of wonder and repulsion. With a spirit of classification similar to that of the neo-seventeenth century, she combines the creative impulse with the rigour of the scientific method. Passing through installations, assemblages and performances, in her works she proposes fragments of a decontextualized nature and creates collections that are, at the same time, heaps and traces, where natural and personal memory merge.
Graduated in Philosophy and Visual Arts, from the mid-90s to 2012 she trained and worked as an actress and director in contemporary theatre. At the same time, preferring the use of drawing, installation and performance, she develops her own path as a visual artist that leads her to exhibit in solo exhibitions, group shows and art fairs at national and international level. Her works are part of some important collections in Italy and abroad.
Leggi l’intervista ad Alice Padovani

LE PICCOLE MORTI (Italian Noir Rock) – The core of the band has existed since 2010 and during these years has released two self-produced discs under a different monicker in English (Old Scratchiness), to then change its name in 2017 and start composing music and lyrics in Italian, coming to define its own “Noir Rock” genre: a sort of alternative rock with dark, jazz, electronic and songwriter cues. All influences could be found in the five tracks of their first EP, entitled “Vol. 1 “and published by New Model Label Record, in which Nicola Manzan (Bologna Violenta, Ronin, Torso Virile Colossale) participated as guests on the violins, specifically in the song “Piccole Morti “, and on drums Riccardo Cocetti (Monolith Grows!).
The line-up consists of the two founders Alessandro Degl’Antoni and Federico Caroli, respectively voice and bass of the band. In order of insertion in the line-up there are then Alex Cavani (guitars), Francesco Ferrari (keyboards & synths) and Lorenzo Petrucci (drums).
After a year spent promoting “Vol. 1″ with gigs in central and northern Italy, the band has decided to embark on a new project entitled” Afterdark”, a multimedial work that combines music with photography: eleven songs ranging between genres and forming the soundtrack of the eleven photographs by the photographer Gabriele Lei. The common inspiration comes from Japan and from the novel with the same name (“After Dark”, 2004) by Haruki Murakami and the intent is to paint a nocturnal fresco of the urban atmospheres of Japan through sounds straddling library music, vaporwave and jazz.
We shared the stage with: Ecstatic Vision (USA), For Dummies (MEX), Ciao Lucifer (NL) Eremo, Monolith Grows !, Gorilla Pulp, Flying Disk, Cani dei Portici, Fakir Thongs, Amber Town, Exit Limbo, Kaos India , Pin Cushion Queen and many others.
Official Site: https://www.lepiccolemorti.it/
Leggi l’intervista ad Alessandro Degl’Antoni

ALI BEIDOUN is a video artist born in Beirut and based in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Ali tends to explore the identities of the places in which he lives in. Thus, his work is often stimulated by the transitions that he experienced moving between various countries and cultures. With a diploma in dramatic arts in Beirut and the cinema studies in Bologna, he enriched his artistic practices by mixing different multimedia forms. His theatrical background is very present in his work as a filmmaker. He works on urban contexts with a poetic approach, where the fragility of the individual is amplified in invasive situations such as big cities, factories, and spaces that condition the human psychology. Lately, Ali is very interested in the role of machines in the modern arts and is experimenting with sound design and electronic music. He is involved in a research project on how to form images using midi controls so that they get manipulated in an approach similar to the sound design.
Leggi l’intervista ad Ali Beidoun

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